Sve satojke samleti u blenderu do glatke strukture.
Po želji možete dodati kašičicu cimeta (reguliše šećer u krvi), pčelinjeg polena (pun vitamina), konopljinih semenki (izvor omega-3 i omega-6 zdravih masnih kiselina), ...
Probajte :)
Bland all ingredients in blender till smooth.
Optionally you can add cinnamon (regulate blood sugar), bee pollen (packed with vitamins), hemp seeds (source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), ...
Taste it :) |
The following are the rewards and are evaluated in the order they're listed. Mom's Dressing Tables have a high probability to spawn in 코인카지노 Clean Bedrooms and Dirty Bedrooms. Note that only 1 additional item can spawn from this 33% probability. In the case of having a number of} matching trinkets, the circumstances are checked in order. Is held, could be} an 80% probability to prevent this grouping from being chosen; if prevented, another pickup grouping might be chosen as a substitute. In the preceding chapter an examination has been made from the purely mechanical side of the era of machine production.