
August 19, 2012


apples, jabuke, torta, cake
  • 3 šolje oraha
  • 2 kašičice orahovog putera
  • 1 kašičica cimeta
  • agavin sirup (ili neki drugi zaslađivač)
  • 4 šolje oljušćenih iseckanih jabuka
  • 1/2 šolje mlevenih lanenih semenki
  • 2 kašičice cimeta
  • 1/2 šolje limunovog soka
  • agavin sirup po želji
  • 1dl kokosovog ulja, istopljneg (na vodenoj pari)
  • 3 cups ground walnuts
  • 2 teaspoons walnut butter
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • agave nectar (or other sweetener)
  • 4 cups apples, diced & pilled
  • 1/2 cup linen seeds, grounded
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • agave nectar
  • 1dl coconut oil, melted
apples, jabuke, torta, cake

Samleti orahe, dodati ostale sastojke za testo i dobro izmešati. U model za tortu prečnika 22-24cm staviti smesu i prstima je rastanjiti po dnu i stranicama (oko 3-4cm visine).
Pola jabuka pustiti kroz sokovnik i suvi deo staviti u blender. Dodati drugu polovinu jabuka, mlevena lanena semena, cimet i sok od limuna. Blendirati dok ne postane ujednačena smesa. Na kraju dodati agavin sirup po ukusu i istopljeno kokosovo ulje i blendirati još par sekundi.
Sipati smesu na testo u modelu, odozgo posuti konopljinim semenkama i ukrasiti orasima.
Ohladiti u frižideru pre serviranja.

Probajte :)

Ingredients for pastry mix together and put into cake model (22-24cm). Use your hand to press it down and on sides (3-4cm of height).
Half of apples put into juicer and put dry part into blender. Add other half of apples, linen seeds, lemon juice and bland until smooth. Add agave nectar till it's sweet enough. At the end add melted coconut oil and bland briefly. 
Pour the mixture in model. Decorate it with hemp seeds and walnuts.   
Cool it in a fridge before serving.

Taste it :)

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