Sve sastojke staviti u blender velike brzine i samleti do glatke strukture. Po potrebi dodati još rejuvelac-a. Smesu staviti u krpu ili gazu, zavezati i obesiti negde da se iscedi višak tečnosti. Sir cediti dok se ne postigne željena gustina. Čuvati ga u staklenoj zatvorenoj posudi u frižideru.
Blend all ingredients in high speed blender till smooth. If needed add more rejuvelac. Put paste into cloth and squeeze liquid from it. Hang it for some time to drain. Keep cheese in sealed glase container in fridge.
Sve sastojke staviti u blender velike brzine i samleti do glatke strukture. Po potrebi dodati još vode. Umak čuvati u staklenoj posudi sa poklopcem do četiri dana u frižideru.
Blend all ingredients in high speed bender till smooth. If needed add more water. Keep the dip in sealed container up to four days in fridge.
Recept za krekere je u prethodnoj objavi: HLEB-KREKERI REJUVELAC ili FERMENTIRANI ŽITNI NAPITAK: Je blago fermentisani napitak iz celih pšeničnih zrnevlja. Na litar vode stavimo šolju pšenice (koju prvo očistimo i isperemo od mogućih primesa). Dva dana pustimo da stoji na sobnoj temperaturi. Zatim tečnost odlijemo u čistu flašu, a preko pšenice jos jednom nalijemo litar vode. Drugi put će fermentirani napitak biti spreman posle jednog dana. Zatvoren u flaši još malo fermentira. Napitak ima vitamine i enzime u sebi. Koristimo ga za fermentaciju semenki ako pravimo sir. Takođe ga možemo korisiti u pripremanju gustih zelenih sokova umesto vode. Probajte :) | Recipe for crackers is in previous post: BREAD-CRACKERS REJUVELAC: Is a non-alcoholic fermented liquid made from sprouted grains. Rejuvelac is a raw food made by sprouting a grain, soaking the sprouted grain (1 cup) in water (1l) for about two days at room temperature, and then reserving the liquid. A second batch can be made from the same sprouts, this time requiring only about one day to ferment. Rejuvelac can be drunk as a digestive aid or used as a starter culture for other fermented foods such as raw nut and seed yoghurts, cheeses and sauces. Taste it :) |
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